Create listing
Create a separate listing for each room in your house. Then, you can use the "merge" button on your mylistings page to specify the rooms belonging to the same house.
We can assist you in listing with one of our experts.

What do you allow?

Drugs, weed or excessive drinking
Shoes in the property

Please, write your additional property rules

You can manually set the monthly price or use the following discount buttons to calculate monthly prices. Prices will be set for 4 weeks with discounts applied. Here are the buttons:
Select date range to lock unavailable days. You can edit your calendar, anytime.
You can upload photos anytime on your board. Your listing will be published after uploading photos.
Uploading video is optional. We strongly recommend to upload video. Because videos can provide more detailed information about your property.
Please, tell about the advantageous side of your home or the opportunities that you provide. A good description will help people to make a decision
Please, tell about the possibilities near your home. Market, Gym, fitness, park, suggest a good restaurant. Let's make the place more attractive
You'd better write down things that tenants will say it's good to know about it.
Example: As positive, you are living near property and we are ready to help anytime.
Or as negative, stairs are a bit old, there is a pool but it is not usable. etc...